The Business Capability Map

by Grant HEnson

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The Value of Business Capability Maps

Business capability maps are a valuable tool for organizations that are looking to improve their strategic planning and decision-making. By providing a top-down view of an organization's abilities to meet strategic objectives, business capability maps can help organizations to identify and prioritize critical initiatives, mitigate risk, and manage change more effectively.

How Business Capability Maps Work

A business capability map is a graphical representation of the organization's key business capabilities. These capabilities are defined as the ability to perform a specific activity or task that is essential to the organization's success. Business capability maps typically include the following elements:

  • Business capabilities: The organization's key business capabilities, such as customer relationship management, product development, and supply chain management.
  • Processes: The processes that enable the organization to deliver its business capabilities.
  • Metrics: The metrics that are used to measure the performance of the organization's business capabilities.
  • Dependencies: The relationships between the organization's business capabilities, processes, and metrics.

The Benefits of Using Business Capability Maps

There are many benefits to using business capability maps, including:

  • Improved strategic planning and decision-making: Business capability maps can help organizations to identify and prioritize critical initiatives, mitigate risk, and manage change more effectively.
  • Enhanced understanding of the organization's business landscape: Business capability maps can help organizations to gain a better understanding of their business landscape, including their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Improved alignment between business and IT: Business capability maps can help to improve alignment between business and IT by providing a clear view of the organization's needs and requirements.
  • Increased transparency and visibility: Business capability maps can help to increase transparency and visibility within the organization, which can lead to better decision-making and collaboration.

How to Use Business Capability Maps

Business capability maps can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the organization's needs. Some common uses of business capability maps include:

  • Strategic planning: Business capability maps can be used to identify and prioritize critical initiatives, align the organization's resources, and measure the performance of the organization's strategic objectives.
  • Risk management: Business capability maps can be used to identify and mitigate risks, such as the loss of key personnel or the disruption of critical processes.
  • Change management: Business capability maps can be used to manage change by providing a clear view of the organization's current state and the desired future state.
  • IT planning: Business capability maps can be used to align IT investments with the organization's strategic objectives.

Business Capability Maps and BPM

Business capability maps are closely related to business process management (BPM). BPM is a discipline that focuses on the design, analysis, improvement, and automation of business processes. Business capability maps can be used to support BPM by providing a visual representation of the organization's business processes and their relationships to each other.


Business capability maps are a valuable tool for organizations that are looking to improve their strategic planning, decision-making, and risk management. By providing a clear view of the organization's capabilities, business capability maps can help organizations to achieve their strategic objectives more effectively.

Here are some additional tips for using business capability maps:

  • Involve key stakeholders: The development and use of business capability maps should involve key stakeholders from across the organization. This will ensure that the maps are accurate and relevant to the organization's needs.
  • Keep the maps up-to-date: Business capability maps should be regularly updated to reflect changes in the organization's strategy, processes, and metrics.
  • Use business capability maps to drive decision-making: Business capability maps should be used to drive decision-making at all levels of the organization. This will help to ensure that the organization's resources are used in the most effective way possible

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